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A Conversation with Cometan
A Conversation with Cometan is an online video series produced and hosted by The Founder of Astronism that started as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its related lockdowns around the world. Cometan found it very useful to have conversations with a series of individuals belonging to Astronism and the Space Philosophy Movement during this time of lockdown in order to keep his engagements with the Movement flowing. The series is currently in its second season. Watch all the episodes of A Conversation with Cometan below.
Season 4

Cometan takes on the mantle of interviewer once again as he returns for Season 4 of A Conversation with Cometan. The fourth season of the show begins with what has become a tradition at this point, a fascinating discussion with author and star myth expert David Warner Mathisen. Out of the other three published conversations between Cometan and David, this one beats them all. It has everything you could want. They discuss the influence of the stars on the origins and development of religion, the viability of Cometan's space religion of Astronism, and David gives incredible insight into his theories on the ancients passed down their wisdom by their depiction of the stars, wisdom that is still abundant and is ready and waiting to be used by human beings today. Once again, Cometan and David explore all things related to astrotheology and religion, space exploration, and even compare their own philosophical outlooks. All in all, this interview excellently kicks off the brand new season 4.

Cometan explores in his lecture the theology and philosophy of both Astronism and Christianity to compare their similarities and differences as religions. Cometan explores everything from Astronism's astronomical salvation to Christianity's conception of divinity. This is the perfect all-inclusive lecture for anyone remotely interested in Astronism or Christianity.

Cometan's new lecture explores the Astronist doctrine of the Economy of Transcension. On the basis that humanity's transcension is evitable and therefore must be guided and overseen, Cometan establishes the notion that transcension shall be managed by the Astronist Institution. This management then forms the Economy of Transcension, the course to transcension which is filled with a complex system of potential events to progress or regress of transcension of humanity. Cometan delineates and brings clarity to the doctrine of the Siderine Economy and formalises establishes this doctrine as a central part of the Astrosoteriology (Astronism's doctrine of salvation).

As a brand new interview for Season 4, Cometan sits down to have a conversation with James Patton, President and CEO of the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy. Although James specialises in the areas of conflict resolution and religious freedom, this conversation takes on a more personal tone with Cometan and James discussing their mutual spiritual journeys. In particular, it is fascinating to learn of James' views on religion and spirituality while Cometan gives further details on his own relationship to religion beginning in his childhood.

Major Astronist Mechanisms are diagrams that explain and visually represent various aspects of Astronism's soteriology and eschatology and up to now, all such Mechanisms have been created solely by Cometan. Now, Cometan explains each part of the fourth instalment in this series of diagrams, this time focusing on the journey of both individual human beings and the collective human species through life and then into the Overworld among the stars after death. A helpful explainer of key Astronist doctrines, Major Astronist Mechanism 4 also reveals for the first time some new doctrines that have their origins in Cometan's upcoming treatise the Astrodoxy such as apagoration (also known as the embargo theory of souls).

Adriano Autino returns to 'A Conversation with Cometan' to reveal updates on his work with Space Renaissance International and to discuss with Cometan matters relevant to Astronism and Autino's own philosophy of astronautic humanism. The conversation also broadens out into the subject of how one can derive a sense of meaning and spirituality from observing astronomical phenomena which, according to Cometan, is grounded in the emotion of astronality. Autino also provides more details on his vision for human expansion into outer space as distinct from mere exploration while Cometan links this secular endeavour to his own vision for a human salvation among the stars called transcension. Overall, Autino makes an excellent and memorable return to the 'A Conversation with Cometan' series.

Cometan reveals a major new contribution to his Astronist religion called the Surosia. The Surosia is a ritual that aims to invoke divine intervenience in the lives of Astronists to increase their scope for transcension. The Surosia is to be the main ritual of the Astronists and works to increase the chances of transcension in the lives of individuals and for the human species as a whole. Cometan provides a preview to the Surosia in this lecture, showcasing the underlying philosophy of the ritual while keeping some parts a mystery in anticipation of their revelation in the publication of Cometan's second and main Astronist treatise called the Astrodoxy. The Surosia shall henceforth occupy a core place in the Astronist endeavour for transcension and thereby plays a crucial role in the Astroeschatology and Astrosoteriology.

Cometan explores the concept of siderinity, the capacity for human beings to escape limitedness and thereby complete the endeavour of transcension. This brand new lecture from Cometan explores some of the core concepts at the foundation of the philosophy of Astronism including Astronist perspectives on the beginning of human life on Earth, morality, human intelligence, divinity, teleology and the situation of human limitedness. Cometan establishes some key philosophical necessities in this lecture that explain and provide justification for the ultimate Astronist doctrine of transcension, so let Cometan give you a tour of the wonders of siderinity.

Cometan explores the similarities and differences between his new religion Astronism and the world religion of Islam in this brand new lecture. From philosophy to eschatology to theology, this lecture covers all aspects of the Astronist and Muslim religions with the aim of forming a clearer understanding of how these two religions compare with one another. Founded in 7th century Arabia and founded in 21st century England respectively, Islam and Astronism are likely to have many differences but they do hold some similarities as religions that might surprise you. This lecture is the epitome of comparative religion, the comparison of a world religion with a new religious movement with the founder of the latter leading the study. Enjoy this lecture as Astronism and Islam come together in dialogue and audiences will witness the results of this meeting.

Salvation is the central goal of most religions but what it means to be saved differs depending on what the religion values most and from where the religion derives its sense of meaning. In this new conversation, Cometan sits down with Reverend Dr Malcolm Brown, Director of Faith and Public Life for the Church of England, to discuss what the concept of salvation actually means, who or what provides salvation, and how one might achieve salvation. Cometan joins this conversation from his Astronist perspective in which salvation is both equated with and is seen as one of the benefits of transcension while Reverend Brown joins from his Anglican Christian perspective, seeing salvation as deriving from Jesus Christ's life, death and resurrection. If you are looking for a deep dive into soteriology, then you have come to the right place.

Astronism is a new religion and organised philosophy founded in 2013 in England by Cometan while Buddhism is an Asian religion and philosophy founded by Siddhartha Gautama in northeastern India some 2,500 years ago. What could these two religions possibly have in common? Cometan explores this question in his newest lecture in the 'Astronism versus' series. Cometan compares his religion with Buddhism across seven major disciplines: cosmology, theology, philosophy, soteriology, teleology, hamartiology and eschatology. Astronism and Buddhism share the aim of wanting to understand the world and humanity's place within it, particularly the tendency of human beings to be naturally subjected to or to subject themselves to suffering. Astronism and Buddhism have divergent understandings of suffering with Buddhism generally aiming to alleviate all suffering by retreating from the material world. Astronism agrees with Buddhism that materiality is the cause of suffering but instead teaches the embracement of suffering and the use of the material world to elevate human beings through the astronomical world to transcosmise to God beyond and thus escape the hardships of cosmic limitation.

Freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right and Cometan has committed his career to the defence of this right. Cometan sits down with Asif Aqeel, Faculty Lecturer at the Lahore School of Law and Deputy Director of the Center for Law and Justice, to discuss the state of religious freedom in Pakistan and the broader world. Beyond the discussion of human rights, Cometan and Asif discuss the meaning of life, their differing religious beliefs and what it is like for Asif to live in Pakistan as a Christian.

Nihilistic thinking has spread so far and wide in the 21st century in Europe in particular due to mass secularisation, 'dereligionisation' and the spread of atheism and humanism that one might argue have the tendency to devolve into nihilism. Alone, Cometan contemplates on the spectre to humanity's future that nihilism has become and the role of new religions like Astronism to inject new meaning into life for humans of the 21st century and beyond. The essence of nihilism is the purposelessness of life and there are many paths that could lead one to think in this pessimistic way. Astronist philosophy challenges the apparent meaninglessness of life that nihilism claims by establishing the greatest endeavour of the human species in the form of transcension. This is the journey of human beings to salvation among the stars and ultimately, the transcosmisation of our species leading to unity with God at the end of all things as the fulfilment of our destiny as a sapient species.

There has emerged a distinct Pagan identity in modern times, but what religions, beliefs and practices does this identity exactly include? Cometan and Professor Emeritus Michael York discuss the intersection of the Pagan and Astronic religious traditions to understand their similarities and differences. The pair also explore the concept of salvation in Astronism, specifically transcension as a linear rather than cyclical form of salvation with the latter adhered to by most Pagan and Dharmic traditions. Cometan and York come to discuss how the worldviews of Astronism and Paganism diverge from one another since they follow cosmocentrism and a form of geocentrism respectively. This timely and fascinating conversation forges a clearer understanding of Cometan's view that Astronicism is a religious tradition with prehistoric roots distinct from that of Paganism despite the two traditions having long interacted and influenced each other's development.

Since Astronists attribute the highest moral value to completing endeavour of transcension, the situation in which human beings find themselves is dire as we have tended to do everything but advance our transcension. Astronist philosophy establishes a dreadful view of the human condition since we are bound by all kinds of limitations from death and disease to mental and spiritual ruin. However, the saving grace for the human race is our prospective journey of transcension among the stars which sits at the forefront of the optimistic Astronist worldview in spite of humanity's intrinsic limitedness. Transcension is proclaimed in Astronism to lead to the salvation of intelligent species but that due to our limited minds and bodies, human beings remain predisposed to eschew transcension and opt for beliefs and behaviours that condemn us to continual limitation. This is what Cometan refers to as the Controversion, or the controversive nature of human beings which, if allowed to remain dominant in human civilisation, will lead to our degradation and eventual extinction. Cometan explores the soteriological and eschatological implications for this Astronist narrative in his brand new lecture.

Irene Mary Taylor (1932-2015) and Derrick Taylor (1930-2011) were the paternal grandparents of Cometan but during their lifetime, they were best known as some of the earliest members of the St Pius V Association in England led by Father Peter Morgan who continued to celebrate the Tridentine Mass despite this form of the Catholic Mass having been abandoned by the Church following the Second Vatican Council of the 1960s. Mr and Mrs Taylor lent their house at 222 Longmeanygate on the outskirts of the Leyland to the St Pius V Association throughout during the 1970s and many traditional Masses were performed in their kitchen, living room and in the field they owned adjacent to their house. In the present day, Cometan speaks with Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society, to understand what traditionalists today believe and why they continue to follow the Old Rite.

Prophecies exist in almost every religion and Astronism is no different. In fact, the Astronist religion is full of prophecies about the future of humanity among the stars and in his brand new lecture, Cometan provides some insight into the complex relationship between the collection of prophecies in the Astronist belief system and how they work together. The Grand World is one such Astronist prophecy which foretells of a spacefaring human species building a civilisation among the stars in search of the path to transcosmisation to complete transcension. Transcension itself is a prophecy and thus, Astronism is built on the prophetical mystery of salvation among the stars by escaping this cosmos and ending all limitation. Cometan explores the function of prophecy and its cruciality to Astronism and includes an overview of analiptic prophecies which are mainly positive and focus on the fruits of transcension as well as degradational prophecies which often manifest as warnings of the consequences if transcension is not completed.

From his mid-teenage years, Cometan described experiencing a kind of trance and religious ecstasy following his exposition to the night sky during which he saw visions of the human future among the stars and received revelations in the form of ideations that seemed like they originated from another world. This type of religious experience is what Astronists refer to as an astral ecstasy and it is these ecstasies that have since been responsible for Cometan's ability to write the Omnidoxy and other Astronist texts. In this brand new lecture, Cometan provides an insight into what experiencing an astral ecstasy is like, what the mental and physical aftereffects of an astral ecstasy include and the significance of these experiences in Astronist approaches to epistemology (i.e., theory of knowledge), revelation and theology. Astral ecstasies form a central part of the Astronist experience and are a key type of altered state of consciousness in astrospirituality but still remain somewhat of a mystery as to why, when, how and to whom they occur.

Cometan presents a new total immersion into Astronism by collecting together some of the most cutting-edge aspects of the Astronist philosophy and religion and conveying them to the world. This total immersion covers topics from eschatology and soteriology to theology and the nature of The Cosmos and The Divine. This second total immersion provides an in-depth analysis of some of the latest concepts and doctrines to emerge from Cometan's writings and revelations, many of which have yet to be officially published as part of the Astrodoxy and so this total immersion provides a preview to how Astronism has developed in the Astrodoxical era. The Second Total Immersion into Astronism is an embodiment of the latest productions of the Astronist Institution and tackles some of the greatest questions posed in Astronism such as the efficacy of transcension as a method of salvation, the role of God in transcension and transcosmisation as the ultimate goal of Astronism.
Thank you for watching the finale episode of Season 4 of A Conversation with Cometan. What was your favourite episode of Season 4? Stay tuned for more content from Cometan and the Astronist Institution coming in the remainder of 2023 and in 2024.
This video remains property of the Astronist Institution.
© 2023 Astronist Institution. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for watching the finale episode of Season 4 of A Conversation with Cometan. What was your favourite episode of Season 4? Stay tuned for more content from Cometan and the Astronist Institution coming in the remainder of 2023 and in 2024.
This video remains property of the Astronist Institution.
© 2023 Astronist Institution. All Rights Reserved.
Season 3

Season 3 of Cometan's video series exploring all things space religion, philosophy and spirituality returns with a familiar face from Season 1, David Warner Mathisen. Cometan invites David back to speak on the topic of astrotheology and David's theory of the existence of a worldwide system of star myths and celestial metaphor. This new season starts off with a detailed and varied conversation in a way that feels fresh and new. Particularly interesting is how David takes a more systematic approach in presenting the evidence he has compiled over the last decade or so in support of the theory of the existence of a global phenomenon of celestial metaphor spanning prehistoric, ancient and modern eras and that possesses an abundance of resources to help individuals and all humanity in contemporary times.
Thank you for watching Episode 1 of Season 3 of A Conversation with Cometan. Stay tuned for what's yet to come in Season 3!
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Cometan picks the brilliant brain of Octavio Chon on the fascinating topic of astrobiology as Season 3 continues. A wonderful and dynamic conversation, the subjects addressed ranged from cosmocentrism to space exploration to the underlying philosophy of the search for extraterrestrial life. We get to know Professor Octavio Chon from the University of Lima, Peru and his important work in the field of astrobiology, altogether learning how his search for extraterrestrial life has influenced his own personal religious and philosophical views.
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Thank you for watching Episode 2 of Season 3 of A Conversation with Cometan. Stay tuned for Episode 3 of Season 3!
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© 2022 Astronist Institution

Cometan discusses one of the central beliefs of his Astronist religion known as transcension, the belief in the salvific powers of the astronomical world and the endeavour of space exploration. Cometan foresees that the religions of the future will be forced to adapt to the revelations that will come about from space exploration and progressions in scientific astronomy, revelations that his own Astronism eagerly awaits. Astronism is truly a space religion for the 21st century and beyond but here, Cometan gives us his overview in his own words about what he thinks Astronism might become in the future with transcension as one of its five central dogmas.

Michael York returns to converse with Cometan on the matters of religious history, astronomy, and the pagan faith. This fascinating conversation covers areas of philosophical, eschatological and soteriological relevance with Professor York and Cometan both presenting their understandings of astronomy's role in the history of religion, what significance this holds, and how the organisation of this history should be approached. Indeed, Cometan comes at the topic from his Astronist perspective while Professor York approaches the topic from his pagan point of view. Yet again, Cometan and Professor York establish an important dialogue on a topic of mutual interest with particular relevance to Cometan's development of his religion and philosophy called Astronism.

Cometan explains his creation of the First Major Astronist Mechanism, a visual framework detailing the Astrosoteriology and the Astroeschatology, the branches of Astronism concerned with salvation and the future of humanity respectively. This framework called Major Astronist Mechanism 1 is just the first in a series of mechanisms planned to represent the complexities of the Astronist religion and Astronist philosophy in visual form. This first instalment in the Major Astronist Mechanism series explores the prospective timeline and significant process of the Astronist salvific endeavour of transcension including the branches Degradation and Transcension oriented on the choices humanity makes during the events of the impending Twilightide.

Cometan delivers a lecture on the central Astronist belief of transcension, also called analipsis or diascension -- the belief that space exploration and the astronomical world both possess the capacity for bringing about the salvation of humankind. This core Astronist belief has recently been elevated to the level of dogma in the Astronist belief system meaning that the notion that space exploration will bring about the salvation of humanity is regarded as an incontrovertible principle in Astronism, a decision that was not lightly made and not without reservation or hesitancy but that was regarded as necessary in order to establish Astronism and the Astronist identity as distinct from all other religions. The discipline of analipsology studies the various components of this salvific endeavour into the astronomical world called transcension, including how the state of transcensia may be achieved, why this is important to human existence, the ethics of transcension, and the various methods that could progress the transcensional process.

Cometan sits down with space policy analyst and scholar Namrata Goswami to discuss the latest hot topics in the field of humanity's ventures into outer space. This fascinating conversation centres on the discussion of the importance of the role of space policy, particularly focusing on human rights in outer space, the democratisation of space, persistent issues with the implementation of space policy in the international system, and the dangerous hazards of weaponising space. Also discussed was the crucial role of space policy on combatting the issue of the increasing amounts of space debris.

Astronism is a belief system founded by Cometan in 2013 while cosmism is a broader movement with origins in the 19th century, specifically in the form of Russian cosmism as pioneered by Nikolai Fyodorov (1829-1903). Cosmism's influence has been evident in those thinkers engaging in space philosophy ever since, particularly in 20th century generations. Cometan now gives his view of the similarities and differences between his system Astronism and the older system of cosmism. He explores how Astronism is a movement going beyond that of its predecessor in new and bold ways, charting courses into realms of soteriology and eschatology that are reminiscent of cosmist thought but are indeed distinctly Astronist in substance and character. In essence, the lecture provides an exposition on both of these space-themed philosophies so that audiences can make a more informed decision of which system they feel best resonates with them.

Giulio Prisco returns to A Conversation with Cometan for Season 3. The transhumanist and cosmist thinker sits down with Cometan once again for a fascinating deep dive into the concept of a cosmic anastasis, or a far-future resurrection of our human ancestors as one of the many rewards of humanity's exploration of outer space and our civilised expansion to the stars. Indeed, this is the cosmist dream envisioned by Nikolai Fyodorov and his contemporaries but Cometan brings in his own Astronist perspective on the topic by introducing his Astroeschatology. Astroeschatology embodies Astronism's doctrines of the final destination of the soul and humankind among the stars as based on the astrosoteriological dogma of transcension (also called the analipsis).

Steven Wolfe returns to A Conversation with Cometan to engage in a discussion about all things space philosophy while Cometan provides some details about his experience of astral ecstasy which formed part of the basis for his founding of Astronism. Space philosophy is the discourse through which space exploration, and indeed all human interaction with the external stimuli of outer space, is discussed. Space philosophy provides an important basis for the elevation of cultural, religious and philosophical movements that orient themselves on a worldview of cosmocentrism. Steven Wolfe and Cometan discuss the current status of the philosophy of space exploration and the potential it has to inspire new generations of spacers and it is this discussion that gives rise to an interjection from Cometan about the basic purpose of Astronism as the belief system he founded at age fifteen.

Facilitationism is the branch of recognitionism that emblematises the Cometanic approach for solving current issues in the field of religious freedom, specifically the misuse of recognition systems to suppress free religious activity. Cometan explores the central problems in the recognition and registration of belief groups and religious organisations and presents ideas for how these identified issues may be overcome by applying the principle of facilitation (making religious activity and its registration easier). Cometan presents his facilitationist approach as part of his broader doctoral research covering the topic of human rights, specifically freedom of religion or belief. This can be considered a preview of the topics addressed and the approaches outlined in Cometan's upcoming thesis.

The second half of Season 3 of A Conversation with Cometan begins with Cometan disclosing some interesting information about his family history in Lancashire and beyond. Cometan explains the progress he has made in researching his ancestry over the last three years and the lessons he has learned. He explores some key individuals and their curious life stories, all in an attempt to try to understand what the lives of his ancestors were like go back into the 20th, 19th, 18th and even 17th century.

The cosmocentric worldview perceives humanity and our history on Earth through the lens of our impact on the astronomical world, often applied as a means to demonstrate humankind's relative insignificance to the vastness of The Cosmos as a whole. On 16th June 2016, the formal declaration that cosmocentrism is the official worldview of Astronism was made by Cometan. Cosmocentrism then provided the theoretical basis of Astronist philosophy and importantly, continues to provide justification for the ultimate Astronist endeavour of transcension. Cometan hopes that with this brand new lecture covering the cosmocentric worldview, both Astronists and non-Astronists will find greater clarity in what thinking cosmocentrically means and why adhering to cosmocentrism is considered equivalent to being an Astronist.

Irene Mary Taylor (1932-2015) and Derrick Taylor (1930-2011) were a couple from Lancashire, England who married on 27th March 1954. Irene, a former tailoress and Derrick, a collier, gardener and milk roundsman, they parented twelve children in total (ten surviving) and resided at 222 Longmeanygate in Leyland. Although Mr and Mrs Taylor were ordinary Lancashire folk, it is only now that when reflecting upon their lives following both of their passings that their extraordinariness is revealed. The solidly Traditionalist Catholic lives they lead are now propelled into the spotlight in their honour as part of their Cause for Beatification. It is Irene Mary's absolute dedication to the practice of Catholicism and it is Derrick Taylor's instinctual draw to the Catholic faith from childhood despite being born an Anglican that embody just two of the many elements of their religious identity. Cometan, one of their grandsons, now tells the story of his grandparents' approach to Catholicism, how and why they incorporated religion into every aspect of their lives, and how their unfaltering love for the Church and the especially Latin Mass actually resulted in Derrick Taylor's experience of interior locution (hearing the voice of God) during his lifetime on at least two separate occasions.

Audiences catch a glimpse into Cometan's inner thoughts and feelings about being the Founder of Astronism, more information of his research projects such as his PhD work on religious freedom, and an update on the work he is conducting on composing the next Astronist treatise called the Astrodoxy.

Understanding the psychological basis for Astronist beliefs and practices is essential for rationalising them as well as for raising more awareness of Astronism as a religion itself. In this lecture, Cometan provides audiences with an explanation of the emotion and concept of astronality which he sees as the underlying experience of all Astronist activity. An explanation is also given as to the different levels of astronality and its theoretical relationship with the experience of noctcaelador which other pre-Cometanic scholars have found to exist in certain personalty types. What this lecture provides is an introduction to a whole new branch of psychology called Astronist psychology or astropsychology, but it also demonstrates the need for more empirical research to be conducted on what is happening in psychological terms when human beings interact with the astronomical world, whether this be emotionally and religiously, as well as physically.

Astronism founder Cometan and Chief Executive of Humanists UK Andrew Copson sit down for an hour-long conversation to see to what extent their views on topics such as the meaning of life, individualism, hedonism, worldview, religion, agnosticism, and moral relativism are compatible with each other. Cometan comes at the conversation from his Astronist perspective while Andrew comes from his humanist perspective which makes for a very interesting discussion on these topics of interest to both individuals. Cometan also manages to speak on his own cosmocentric Astronist views on the central importance of space exploration as the key to human life purpose and salvation (transcension) while Andrew gives his views on the existence on alien life and how this might impact his anthropocentric worldview. In the figures of Cometan and Andrew, Astronism and humanism respectively collide which makes for an interesting new dynamic in the contemporary philosophical discourse.

The issue of unity among the space religions has been a topic of debate for some time now in Astronist circles. In this lecture, Cometan outlines what "coming into vicinality" -- or in other terms, coming into communion -- with the Astronist Institution really entails. Astronism's founder explores the theory behind a group's status of vicinality and what it means for an Astronist denomination to become Institutionalised. Cometan explains all this with the hope that transparency is achieved on the issue of vicinality, that clarity is brought about on the theory of vicinalism, and that, ultimately, Astronists unite with other like-minded religious groups such as the cosmists, astronautic humanists, the transhumanists, the followers of Terasem and the Turing Church, and all astrotheists around the world to form an overarching, universal Astronist religious and philosophical identity. Of course, this is the core ideal of Cometan's principle of vicinalism and is the prime function of the process of vicinalisation -- to bring like-minded cosmocentrists under the banner of Astronism but this is a grand task certainly not easy to complete.

The Astronist Statement and Astronism: the religion of the stars are two publications that Cometan has written during the Astrodoxical era so far and during this sit-down talk, he wanted to give viewers a preview of both summaries. In these precursors to the new upcoming Astronist treatise called the Astrodoxy, Cometan explains Astronist philosophy and religion in a new way with updated terms and newly developed concepts. Both of these texts act as short manifestos for Astronism as they explain in both technical and non-technical ways the underlying concepts, themes and beliefs of the Astronist philosophy and religion. Both of these new works provide audiences with a taste of what is to come in the Astrodoxy and also demonstrate how Astronism is evolving before our very eyes into a refreshing and fully-fledged, comprehensive belief system.

Cometan sits down to answer audience questions candidly about what it is really like to be working on his PhD on freedom of religion or belief and what it has been like founding the new religion Astronism. Cometan's answers give audiences an insight into what his life is like day-to-day and the reality of being a new religious founder, philosopher and human rights scholar.

One of the main themes of the Astronist religion is the role that traditional spirituality plays in Astronist beliefs and practices; this intersection has since created an Astronist form of spirituality aptly named astrospirituality. In the lecture, Cometan explains that Astronism is the manifestation of the combination of astronomy and spirituality as based on the Astronist belief in the role that the astronomical world (i.e. outer space and all extraterrestrial phenomena) plays in both personal and collective human existence from the meaning of life derived from astronomical phenomena for the individual person to the collective futurism of the human species as a whole. A further manifestation of the combination of astronomy and spirituality is that outer space is believed to be imbued with spiritual essence as based on belief in transtellation (the soul transmigrates to the stars upon death) which holds numerous theological, eschatological and soteriological implications. Cometan ultimately explores how his experience of astral ecstasy and afflation from the age of fifteen developed his own understanding of astrospirituality which then constituted the natural progression of his spiritual life as an Astronist.

The finale of Season 3 is here and Cometan sits down once again with Italian cosmist Giulio Prisco, this time to be interviewed over the metaphysics of his Astronist religion. The afterlife, the soul, consciousness and humanity's destiny in the astronomical world were topics centre stage for this talk. Cometan explains some of the fundamentals of the Astronist religion and philosophy once more while Giulio considers how his and Cometan's views may concur in some ways and depart from each other in others. This talk provides for a fitting conclusion to Season 3 of A Conversation with Cometan.
Season 2

A Conversation with Cometan & Adriano Autino | Season 2 Episode 1 | Astronautic Humanism & The Space Renaissance

A Special Conversation with Cometan | Season 2 Episode 2 | When Religion Goes Extraterrestrial

A Conversation with Cometan | Season 2 Episode 3 | Scope of Man & Distractions of the World

Season 1

A Conversation with Cometan & David Warner Mathisen | Season 1 Episode 1 | Astronism & Ancient Star Myths

A Conversation with Cometan & David Mathisen | Season 1 Episode 2 | Ancient Astronomy & Astronist Philosophy

A Conversation with Cometan & Dr. Jeffrey Kotyk | Season 1 Episode 3 | Astral Magic & Astrology As Religion

A Special Conversation with Cometan | Season 1 Episode 4 | Astronism: A Space Religion Lecture

A Conversation with Cometan & Howard Bloom | Season 1 Episode 5 | Space Revolutions & Man's Destiny Among the Stars

A Special Conversation with Cometan | Season 1 Episode 6 | The Eschatology & Soteriology of Astronism

A Conversation with Cometan & AstroGiulia | Season 1 Episode 7 | Humans on Mars & The Mysteries of The Cosmos

A Conversation with Cometan & Giulio Prisco | Season 1 Episode 8 | Astronism, Cosmism & Humanity's Space Salvation
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